SafAle K-97 mielės
German brewer's yeast that gives a delicate fermentation character. Depending on the conditions, it tends to have a floral and balanced fruit character. Ideal for delicate beers such as German Kolsch, Belgian Wits and some versions of Session beers. Suitable for heavily hopped beers and can form a large, robust foam during fermentation.
Dosage / temperature
50-80 g/hl, ideal temperature 15-20 °C
Lesaffre's hands-on experience and continuous improvement of the yeast production process ensure an exceptional quality of dry yeast that can be used in a variety of ways, including cold rehydration or the absence of it, without affecting its viability, kinetic and/or analytical profile. Brewers can choose the conditions of use that best suit their needs, i.e. y:
① Direct bottling:
The yeast is poured directly into the fermentation vessel on the surface of the wort at or above fermentation temperature. It is best if the yeast is placed in the first part of the vessel filling; in this case, the irrigation can be carried out at a higher temperature of the wort than the fermentation temperature, and then the fermenter is filled with a lower temperature wort, so that the total temperature of the wort is equal to the fermentation temperature.
② Before rehydration:
The yeast is also infused with at least 10 times its weight in sterile water or 25-29 °C (77-84 °C) boiled and hopped wort. Leave to stand for 15-30 minutes, mix carefully and pour the resulting cream into the fermentation vessel.