Beer brewing kit - English Brown Ale LIVE.
Homebrewing kit from malt - English Brown Ale
A classic English style with a balanced sweetness and bitterness. The beer has notes of caramel, nuts or chocolate. British brown ale is a great choice for those who like malty and slightly sweet beers.
Expected Parameters:
OG: about 1,051
FG: about 1,012
ABV: about 5.1%
IBUs: about 23
EBC: about 42
Malts: Simpsons Extra Pale Ale, Oat Flakes, Brown, Chocolate Light.
Hops: Fuggles. Yeast: Nottingham.
With this kit you can make 20 liters of beer. When ordering this kit, write in the comment whether you need to CRUSH the malt, WE CRUSH the kits for FREE!

Beer brewing kit - English Brown Ale LIVE.