Beer brewing kit - Belgian Wheat LIVE
Homebrewing kit from malt - Belgian Wheat
Belgian wheat beer, also known as Witbier (Dutch for "white beer"), is a refreshing, light amber-colored beer with a light, sweet taste with coriander and orange peel spices. It has a characteristic cloudy appearance due to unfiltered yeast particles. It is recommended to additionally use rice husks up to 5% for better filtration during the fermentation.
Expected parameters:
OG: about 1,044
FG: about 1,008
ABV: about 4.8%
IBUs: about 11
EBC: about 7
Malts: Pilsen 2RS, Wheat, Wheat Munich, Flaked Wheat.
Hops: Styrian Goldings. Yeast: Belgian Wit.
Additionally, you can purchase bitter or sweet orange peels and coriander seeds , which are very often used in this style of beer.
We recommend adding 5-6% rice husks to the brine.
When ordering this set, please write in the comment whether you need to CRUSH the malt, WE CRUSH the sets for FREE!