Farmhouse - brewer's yeast
Lallemand Farmhouse Dry Brewer's Yeast
LalBrew Farmhouse™ is a non-diastatic hybrid selected for saison and country style beers. LalBrew Farmhouse™ has been selected using the most advanced breeding methods. Using classical and non-genetically modified methods, the research team removed the STA1 gene responsible for the diastatic activity of saison yeast. Efforts have been made to maintain the normal use of beer sugar to produce dry saisons. In addition, patented technology from the University of California, Davis (USA) ensures that the strain does not emit hydrogen sulfide (H2S) off-odors, improving the aroma characteristics of the saison yeast.
Attenuation: 78-84%
Flocculation: Low
Aroma/Taste: Cloves, pepper, tropical fruits.
Fermentation temperature: 22-30°C
Alcohol tolerance: 13% ABV
Packaging: 11g