

Hops are one of the four components of beer. It is a climbing plant whose cones contain alpha acids and aromatic oils that give beer its bitterness, taste and aroma. Hops also have antibacterial and preservative properties, so without them, beer would not only lose its identity, but also would not be able to maintain its properties for a longer period of time. The preservative effect of hops was noticed quite a long time ago, so beer exported by ships was made with a significantly higher amount of hops, so that it would not spoil during the journey. By the way, this is how IPA (Indian Pale Ale), which is now a very popular type of beer, appeared, which turned out to be very bitter due to the large amount of hops used for preservation. 

Currently, there are many types of hops in the world. Aroma and bitterness depend on the type of hops. Some hops are bitter, others are aromatic, so when choosing their type, you should find out what characteristics they have to choose. 

How to store hops? 

Hops that are not stored properly lose their aromatic properties very quickly and then their bitter properties, so it is necessary to store them properly. The three factors that most affect the quality of hops are sunlight, weather and heat. The more you avoid these factors, the longer the hops will retain their properties. 

Why is the price of hops different? 

The price depends on the region in which they are grown, what special properties they have and the demand for the type of hop. Every year, statistical data is compiled on which hops were the most popular that year, so you can get a general picture of what is used most often. 

Hops bought in our store retain their best properties because they are vacuum-sealed and stored in a refrigerator away from sunlight. 

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