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Star San 946ml
Highly foaming, acidic anionic rinse aid for use in the food and beverage industry. cleans tanks and equipment and prevents mineral build-up is not affected by organic pollution only 60...
IO Star 118ml
Low-foaming, iodine based, no-rinse sanitzer. Best for use on pump, spray and CIP applications. May slightly stain vinyl tubing and plastic parts over time, but will not effect the functionality....
PBW Tablets
PBW washing tablets Removes dirt from difficult areas An effective substitute for caustic soda cleaners and household cleaners. Works at various temperatures Effective in hard and soft water Perfect for...
PBW cleaner 1.8kg
Multipurpose cleaning agent for use in the food and beverage industry. Effective at any temperature safe for polycarbonate surfaces and soft metals releases 4-5% oxygen perfectly tolerates hard water removes...
PBW liquid cleaner 946ml
PBW Liquid Cleaner provides the proven quality and cleaning power of conventional PBW, but in a more convenient liquid product. Easy to use: mixes easily into solution even at low...
Chemipro SAN 100ml
Highly foaming, acidic anionic rinse aid for use in the food and beverage industry. cleans tanks and equipment and prevents mineral build-up is not affected by organic pollution only 60...
Chemipro SAN 250ml
Highly foaming, acidic anionic rinse aid for use in the food and beverage industry. cleans tanks and equipment and prevents mineral build-up is not affected by organic pollution only 60...
Chemipro SAN 1L
Highly foaming, acidic anionic rinse aid for use in the food and beverage industry. cleans tanks and equipment and prevents mineral build-up is not affected by organic pollution only 60...
Chemipro Oxi 100g
Chemipro Oxi - disinfection powder A no-rinse multi-purpose cleaner for all light cleaning tasks in just one application! Active oxygen reduces contact time and ensures hygienic cleaning. Dosage: 4 g/l...
Chemipro Oxi 1kg
Chemipro Oxi - disinfection powder A no-rinse multi-purpose cleaner for all light cleaning tasks in just one application! Active oxygen reduces contact time and ensures hygienic cleaning. Dosage: 4 g/l...
Chemipro Caustic 80g
A powerful cleaner of dirty equipment with active chlorine. Removes almost all impurities. Do not use with copper or iron, only use briefly with stainless steel or plastic. Use: 1...
Chemipro Caustic 400g
Chemipro Caustic A powerful cleaner of dirty equipment with active chlorine. Removes almost all impurities. Do not use with copper or iron, only use briefly with stainless steel or plastic....
Chemipro Caustic 1kg
A powerful cleaner of dirty equipment with active chlorine. Removes almost all impurities. Do not use with copper or iron, only use briefly with stainless steel or plastic. Use: 1...
Caustic Soda 1kg
Caustic soda - Caustic soda Industrial cleaning product. For example, used in bottle rinsing machines. Dosage: 10-30 g/l, leave for 5-10 min. soak at 50-60 °C. Follow the safety rules!...
Nozzle with spout
Plastikinis butelis su ilgu, plonu snapeliu Šio tipo buteliai dažnai naudojami skysčiams tiksliai dozuoti arba mažiems plotams nuplauti. Gali būti naudojamas chemikalams arba kitiems skysčiams saugoti ir dozuoti, mažiems komponentams...
Faucet brush
Fermenterio kranelio ir alaus čiaupo šepetėlis Jei norite, kad alaus skonis būtų šviežias, svarbu išlaikyti čiaupus švarius. Šis čiaupų šepetėlis būtent tai ir daro. Jį lengva naudoti ir jis neleis...
Bottle washer "Italy"
Butelių plovimo ir dezinfekavimo įrenginys Butelių plovimo ir dezinfekavimo įrenginys "Italy" yra labai rekomenduojamas produktas buteliams valyti ir dezinfekuoti. Jį lengva naudoti, jis taupo laiką, todėl butelių valymas tampa lengvas....
Bottle washer MAGNUM CM.45 MULTIJET
A simple and effective time-saving device for removing dirt and residue from any dish. Easy to connect using the popular Hozelock style connector.
Bottle dryer for 80 places
Plastic bottle dryer for 80 places
Modular bottle dryer. sections can be removed and added. Compatible with bottle washer "Italy"
8mm hose brush
80cm flexible wire hose brush These brushes are 8mm in diameter and 80cm long, so they can be inserted into a small diameter tube and cleaned. Ideal for cleaning liquid...
CIP rotating spray rotor
CIP rotating spray rotor. For washing cooking equipment and fermenters. Low flow spray head for low voltage pumps from 6W to 25W. A great spray head that can be used...