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Chateau RICE FLAKES¨ (ry?i? dribsniai)


€0,40 – €3,39
Château rice flakes help to soften the body and taste of the beer, refreshing the beer, giving it a clean and fresh taste and a nice light color. They can...


Šis rinkinys skirtas tiems, kurie neturi "Sodastream" aparato, užimančio brangią vietą ant stalo. Tačiau norite patogiai pasiimti sodos vandens buteliuose. Šis konkretus rinkinys nepateikiamas kartu su buteliais, juos galite rasti...
SG Wines Classic 30 Bottle Rosé 

Rosé - vyno rinkinys

The SG Wines Classic 30 Bottle Rosé Wine Making Kit allows you to make light and easy-drinking dry rosé wine. YOUR WINE KIT CONSISTS OF: Bag of grape juice concentrate...
Ryžių lukštai 

Rice husks

€1,70 – €4,52
When brewing from malt and with large amounts of wheat, oats or other hullless grains, the bottom of the filter can easily clog, making isolation very difficult. Rice husks are...

Saaz - apyniai

€1,81 – €11,19
Alpha Acid: 3.6% Purpose: For aroma Country of origin: Czech Republic Saaz is one of four original Noble hops with a distinctive and classic aroma. Known for being widely used...


€3,16 – €5,65
Alpha Acid: % Purpose: For aroma Country of origin: USA Sabro is an aromatic hop that is usually only used at the end of cooking, including dry hopping. Sabro hops...
SafAle BE-134 

SafAle BE-134 mielės

IDEAL FOR DRY AND SPICY BELGIAN BEERS, E.G. SAISON. This typical brewer's yeast strain is recommended for well-chilled beers, offering fruity, floral and phenolic notes and a dry character. Produces...
SafAle BE-256 

SafAle BE-256 mielės

YEAST FOR STRONG BEER Active dry brewer's yeast recommended for fermentation of various types of Belgian-style beers, such as Abbey-style beers, famous for their fruitiness and high alcohol content. They...
SafAle K-97 

SafAle K-97 mielės

BEER'S YEAST FOR MILD AND HARD BEER. German brewer's yeast that gives a delicate fermentation character. Depending on the conditions, it tends to have a floral and balanced fruit character....
SafAle S-04 

SafAle S-04 mielės

Sausos alaus mielės Fermentis SafAle S-04 Angliškos ale alaus mielės, žinomos dėl greitos fermentacijos. Subalansuotos vaisių ir gėlių natos. Dėl savo flokuliuojančių savybių yra linkusios gaminti skaidresnį alų. Idealiai tinka...
SafAle S-33 

SafAle S-33 mielės

IDEAL YEAST FOR STRENGTHENING THE FLAVOR OF HOPS AND FRUIT IN BEER. A fruit-driven strain that gives the beer great flavor and body. Ideal for Belgian ales (Blond, Dubbel, Tripel,...
SafAle T-58

SafAle T-58

SUITABLE PHENOLIC YEAST FOR ENGLISH AND BELGIAN ALE Special brewer's yeast selected for strong fermentation character, intense fruit and phenolic flavor - especially notes of banana, clove and pepper. Suitable...
SafAle US-05

SafAle US-05 mielės

American ale yeast that produces a neutral, well-balanced, clean and crisp beer. Forms a firm foam. Ideal for American-style beers and heavily hopped beers. Attenuation: 78-82% High. Flocculation: Moderate Alcohol...
SafAle WB-06 

SafAle WB-06 mielės

A GREAT SOLUTION FOR WHEAT BEER Brewer's yeast that imparts fruity and phenolic characteristics that vary with fermentation conditions. They are perfect for wheat beers such as Belgian and German...
SafLager S-23 

SafLager S-23 mielės

THE SOLUTION FOR FRUIT AND HOPPY LAGERS Bottom fermentation brewer's yeast from Berlin, Germany. SafLager S-23 is recommended for making fruitier and more estery lagers. Due to their profile, the...
SafLager W-34/70 

SafLager W-34/70 mielės

STRONG AND STRONG LAGER YEAST, IDEAL FOR NEUTRAL BEERS. This famous brewer's yeast strain from Weihenstephan, Germany is used worldwide in the beer industry. SafLager™ W-34/70 produces a beer with...
Saldaininio cukraus sirupas (rudas)

Saldaininio cukraus sirupas (rudas)

Belgiškas saldaininis (konditerinis) cukraus sirupas Originalus rudasis saldainių cukrus (candi sugar), kurį naudoja daugelis Belgijos alaus daryklų. Ypatingai Dubelių ir Tripelių gamyboje. Prideda alui unikalaus skonio. Taip pat labai tinka...
Saldaininis cukrus (baltas) 

Confectioners' sugar (white)

€2,26 – €22,60
Original candy sugar (candi sugar), used in many Belgian breweries. Gives beer a unique taste. It is mostly used in the production of Tripel and other strong ales. Also very...
Saldaininis cukrus (rudas)

Confectioner's sugar (brown)

€2,26 – €22,60
The original brown candy sugar (candi sugar) used by many Belgian breweries. Especially in the production of Doubles and Triples. Adds a unique flavor to beer. Also great for making...
Saldi apelsino žievelė 

Sweet orange peel

Sweet orange peel. Packaging: 100g. Sweet orange peels give orange flavor and aroma. Add at the end of cooking.
Salotiniai 26mm 100vnt.

Salad 26mm

€3,39 – €23,73
Alaus butelių kamšteliai 26mm - salotiniai.
Salyklo Ekstraktas 1kg 

Malt Extract 1kg

Ritchies dry malt extract 1kg. Perfect for all beer styles. Adds extra thickness and richness to the recipe. Especially useful for brewing lighter beers such as lagers and pilsners.
Salyklo trai?kymas

Crushing of malt

When crushing is selected, it is enough to mark once for the entire amount of malt up to 25kg. When crushing more than 25kg, mark 2 x crushing. If it...
?ampano u?rakt? u?darytuvas

Champagne cork stopper

Champagne cork stopper - a practical accessory that helps you tighten the champagne cork lock.
SG Wines Gold 30 Bottle Sauvignon Blanc 

Sauvignon Blanc - vyno rinkinys

The SG Wines Gold 30 Bottle Sauvignon Blanc Winemaking Kit produces a crisp and refreshing white wine with fruity and herbal flavors. YOUR WINE KIT CONSISTS OF: Bag of grape...
Sidabriniai 26mm 100vnt.

Silver 26mm

€3,39 – €23,73
Alaus butelių kamšteliai 26mm - sidabriniai.
Sieros dagtis medin?ms statin?ms

Sulfur wick

Sulfur strips for disinfecting wooden barrels.
Sifono vo?tuvas 10mm

Siphon valve 10mm

Siphon valve 10mm. For filling beer bottles.
Sifono vo?tuvas WINE FILLER

Siphon valve 16mm

Siphon valve 16mm - WINE FILLER. For filling wine bottles.
Šildymo diržas 

Šildymo diržas

Šildymo diržas. Užtikrinama reikalinga fermentacijos temperatūra. Diržas puikiai tinka įvairių dydžių, ne didesnių kaip 33 litrų, talpykloms. Šis įrankis patogiai ir ekonomiškai sušildo misą.
Šildymo diržas (su reguliatoriumi) 

Šildymo diržas (su reguliatoriumi)

Šildymo diržas su temperatūros reguliatoriumi. Užtikrinama reikalinga fermentacijos temperatūra. Diržas puikiai tinka įvairių dydžių, ne didesnių kaip 33 litrų, talpykloms. Šis įrankis patogiai ir ekonomiškai sušildo misą.
Silikonin? ?arnel?  9x13mm

Silicone hose 9x13mm

Price per meter. We cut as needed.

Simcoe - apyniai

€2,60 – €4,52
Alpha Acid: 12.8% Purpose: For bittering and aroma Country of origin: USA in 2000 The American variety "Simcoe®" released to the world by "Yakima Chief Ranches" has become extremely popular...
Simpsons  MARIS OTTER 

The Simpsons MARIS OTTER

€0,34 – €2,83
Maris Otter is the Rolls Royce of malts. A legendary heirloom barley variety that is the basis of the traditional English "Bitter" beer malt. Maris Otter malt is low in...
Simpsons BROWN 

Simpsons BROWN - salyklas

€0,40 – €3,39
Brown malt gives a rich coffee aroma, ideal for stouts and porters. It gives a mild taste in the mouth and increases the stability of the foam. The deep mahogany...
Simpsons CARAMALT 

Simpsons CARAMALT - salyklas

€0,40 – €3,05
Caramalt is a sweet, chewy and wonderful malt. It gives a golden hue and enriches the taste with soft toffee notes in lagers and Extra Pale Ales. The slight color...
Simpsons Cornish Gold 

Simpsons CORNISH GOLD - salyklas

€0,34 – €2,83
Made from 100% two-row spring barley, Cornish Gold gives the pale ale a rich malt flavor and a golden hue. An excellent base malt for strong bitters, dark ambers, browns...
Simpsons CRYSTAL Extra Dark 

Simpsons CRYSTAL EXTRA DARK - salyklas

€0,40 – €3,05
The beautiful rich brown color of the grain lends itself to the excellent dried fruit and burnt sugar flavors of this expertly crafted dark crystal. Used in small quantities, Crystal...
Simpsons CRYSTAL T50 

Simpsons CRYSTAL T50 - salyklas

€0,40 – €3,05
The secret of the Crystal T50 lies in the name. Each batch contains 50 Lovibond colors (130EBC). Exceptionally tight consistency - this is a fantastic crystal that crunches in the...
Simpsons DEXTRIN 

Simpsons DEXTRIN - salyklas

€0,40 – €3,05
Dextrin malt is a handy tool that can be used sparingly to add thickness, viscosity and foam stability to any beer. Particularly useful in very light, hoppy IPAs to balance...

Simpsons EXTRA PALE ALE - salyklas

€0,34 – €2,71
Extra Pale Ale malt is an excellent base malt for brewers who need a low-color, well-modified malt. British double-row barley grains ensure uniformity and integrity, as well as good extract...

Simpsons FINEST LAGER - salyklas

€0,34 – €2,71
"Finest Lager Malt" is a fine quality lager malt with a light color. Well-modified, high-extract, spring two-row barley from the United Kingdom has high enzyme activity, low color, and low...

Simpsons GOLDEN NAKED OATS - salyklas

€0,40 – €3,39
This crystalline oat malt without hulls is simply delicious. It's an exotic ingredient for brave brewers, giving it a subtle nutty flavor. Its creamy smoothness provides a mouthfeel and balances...

Simpsons GOLDEN PROMISE - salyklas

€0,34 – €2,83
Golden Promise provides a great mouthfeel and balance to a beer that uses even the weirdest and most bitter hops, and reducing the wort density for a session beer doesn't...