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SafAle BE-134 

SafAle BE-134 mielės

IDEAL FOR DRY AND SPICY BELGIAN BEERS, E.G. SAISON. This typical brewer's yeast strain is recommended for well-chilled beers, offering fruity, floral and phenolic notes and a dry character. Produces...
SafAle BE-256 

SafAle BE-256 mielės

YEAST FOR STRONG BEER Active dry brewer's yeast recommended for fermentation of various types of Belgian-style beers, such as Abbey-style beers, famous for their fruitiness and high alcohol content. They...
SafAle K-97 

SafAle K-97 mielės

BEER'S YEAST FOR MILD AND HARD BEER. German brewer's yeast that gives a delicate fermentation character. Depending on the conditions, it tends to have a floral and balanced fruit character....
SafAle S-04 

SafAle S-04 mielės

Sausos alaus mielės Fermentis SafAle S-04 Angliškos ale alaus mielės, žinomos dėl greitos fermentacijos. Subalansuotos vaisių ir gėlių natos. Dėl savo flokuliuojančių savybių yra linkusios gaminti skaidresnį alų. Idealiai tinka...
SafAle S-33 

SafAle S-33 mielės

IDEAL YEAST FOR STRENGTHENING THE FLAVOR OF HOPS AND FRUIT IN BEER. A fruit-driven strain that gives the beer great flavor and body. Ideal for Belgian ales (Blond, Dubbel, Tripel,...
SafAle T-58

SafAle T-58

SUITABLE PHENOLIC YEAST FOR ENGLISH AND BELGIAN ALE Special brewer's yeast selected for strong fermentation character, intense fruit and phenolic flavor - especially notes of banana, clove and pepper. Suitable...
SafAle US-05

SafAle US-05 mielės

American ale yeast that produces a neutral, well-balanced, clean and crisp beer. Forms a firm foam. Ideal for American-style beers and heavily hopped beers. Attenuation: 78-82% High. Flocculation: Moderate Alcohol...
SafAle WB-06 

SafAle WB-06 mielės

A GREAT SOLUTION FOR WHEAT BEER Brewer's yeast that imparts fruity and phenolic characteristics that vary with fermentation conditions. They are perfect for wheat beers such as Belgian and German...
SafCider AB-1 - sidro mielės

SafCider AB-1 - sidro mielės

Sidro mielės - SafCider AB-1 Subtilus aromato profilis, kuriame dera šviežių (obuolių) ir sudėtingų vaisių (obuolių tyrės) natos, o burnoje vyrauja subalansuota sidro struktūra. Tinka visų rūšių sidrams. Platus fermentacijos...
SafLager S-23 

SafLager S-23 mielės

THE SOLUTION FOR FRUIT AND HOPPY LAGERS Bottom fermentation brewer's yeast from Berlin, Germany. SafLager S-23 is recommended for making fruitier and more estery lagers. Due to their profile, the...
SafLager W-34/70 

SafLager W-34/70 mielės

STRONG AND STRONG LAGER YEAST, IDEAL FOR NEUTRAL BEERS. This famous brewer's yeast strain from Weihenstephan, Germany is used worldwide in the beer industry. SafLager™ W-34/70 produces a beer with...